Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 8, 2013

swype tricks for android

Well after you have swype installed and ready to go here are a few tips to help you get the most out of it:

1. Use the built in tutorial. This tutorial takes 5 minutes to complete but will show you the ins and outs of using its keyboard, its very handy and a must if you intend on using it.

2. If a word you swype in does not come up correctly or offers you choices that are not even close, just click the X and then type it in one letter at a time, using the peck-a-key method. This adds it to the dictionary and the next time you swype it in, it'll work.

3. The built in dictionary is not as complete as you may want it, but over time it will learn how you type/swype and will work better as time goes on. After a week or so it should work with most or all the words you swype in, but give it time. They exclude some words on purpose (cuss words etc) or words that aren't very commonly used to keep the size of the file small so it doesn't take up too much space on your device with words and patterns you don't use.

4. Holding down a button will change the letter to the symbol above the letter. This comes in handy when you need to insert a couple numbers or commonly used symbols and don't want to switch screens. I find its much quicker to just hold a button than switching, hitting the key and then switching back.

5. Holding down the back key will delete full words at a time. That way you don't need to keep hitting the back key repeatedly, this is a time saver if you need to delete a full sentence for example.

6. Pushing shift will change the symbol keyboard to the symbols/characters above the numbers. This just makes it quicker to choose a symbol instead of long pressing the key to achieve the same result.

I'll update this post and add more tips as i can think of them or others post them.

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